Programme management

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If you have a cross functional initiative, that has either complex interdependent work-streams, internal and external stakeholders or carries risk, you will benefit from a collaborative leader in concept development and evaluation. Even with adequate internal resources game changing initiatives can be challenging to setup and deliver. With 6 years of double digit EBITDA contribution Andrew will setup and deliver your programme.

Supply chain

If you are considering change in manufacturing, logistics, culture of systems; if you are approaching investments, rationalisations, relocations or optimisation and need some independent thought. Or if you would like assistance in identifying, proposing and planning and opportunity then contact us. Andrew has extensive experience of large scale analysis, strategy development and board proposals to make your opportunity come to life. 

Product development

A product idea could change the market and disrupt the way consumers view your category. You may want to develop consumer products that require a mature development approach, systematic decision making, products claims of superior performance and quality, these developments carry risk.  Andrew has led cross functional teams developing products in resource constrained environments that are risk averse resulting in double digit EBITDA contribution and award winning products.